thunder bunny press

Visit the RND g+ group (opens new tab) to see the cool stuff that people are doing with RND.
Currently I am on hiatus from selling physical copies. While supplies last, (opens new tab) has physical copies.
Any questions? Email me at bmarkslash7 via gmail.

RND issue 4, February 2017

the make-your-own-adventure zine for roleplayers and storytellers
Travel through woods, across plains, and across the world.
PWYW pdf available at drivethrurpg (opens new tab)
PWYW pdf available without an account at Gumroad (opens new tab)

RND issue 3, Summer 2016

the make-your-own-adventure stickerbook zine for roleplayers and storytellers
Tons of places to add stickers, paste art, and draw

PWYW pdf available at drivethrurpg (opens new tab)
PWYW pdf available at Gumroad (opens new tab)

RND issue 2, February 2016

the make-your-own-adventure zine for roleplayers and storytellers
PWYW pdf available at drivethrurpg (opens new tab)
PWYW pdf available at Gumroad (opens new tab)

RND issue 1, November 2015

the make-your-own-adventure zine for roleplayers and storytellers
PWYW pdf available at drivethrurpg (opens new tab)
PWYW pdf available at Gumroad (opens new tab)